Corona Call is accepting works from photographers in Africa and Europe, which explores the impact and influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of people, either in relation to personal experiences or as an inquiry into investigative issues. There are no thematic, stylistic or technical restrictions. The only condition is for the image to capture or deal with the current pandemic crisis.

‘Corona Call’ is a project by Sana Sanaa – Intercultural Dialogues on Art, in collaboration with European Photography, Oath Magazine, CAP Prize for Contemporary African Photography, Kigali Center for Photography, and The Nlele Institute and Artificial Image.
The objective is to open dialogue about art via exchanges from one part of the world to another by hosting twin events; like exhibitions of the results in both Africa and Europe. The resulting shows will be a physical manifestation of continued efforts at Sana Sanaa to connect both continents through art.
Submissions will be reviewed by an international expert jury from Africa and Europe which includes, Andreas Müller-Pohle (Artist & Publisher, European Photography, Berlin, Germany), Benjamin Füglister (Artist & Founder, CAP Prize & Association, Berlin, Germany), Jack Yakubu Nkinzingabo (Artist & Founder, Kigali Center for Photography, Kigali, Rwanda), Michael Maria Müller (Artist & Founder Artificial Image & Sana Sanaa, Berlin, Germany), Romney Müller-Westernhagen (Photographer & Representative, Sana Sanaaa, New York City, USA), Stephanie Blomkamp (Photographer and Publisher, Oath Magazine, Cape Town, South Africa) and Uche Okpa-Iroha (Photographer, Founder & Director, The Nlele Institute, Lagos, Nigeria).
Winners will receive exhibition shows in Africa and Europe, the top 10 entries will receive master print-outs in an edition of 10 copies (single photographs) or as a portfolio containing all images of selected series and a feature in art magazines.
Selections will be based on the following criteria:
- Content – information / context / relevance / impurities /
- Design – composition / viewpoint / grey tones / colour spectrum /
- Effect – first impression / message / creativity / authenticity /
- Technique – exposure / focus / lighting / colour cast /
Shortlist announcement: August 29, 2020
Winner announcement: September 10, 2020
Application Deadline: August 8, 2020
For more information and to apply, visit here.