In a group exhibition titled inBETWEEN presented by SMO Contemporary Art, artworks by Nengi Omuku, Ngozi Omeje and Olumide Onadipe will be presented at the START Art Fair, hosted by Saatchi Gallery in London.
The collection of works in this exhibition, captures socio-political issues tied to the emotional state of African youth who are caught “inbetween”, a limbo of sorts, in different phases of life – waiting for admission to school, the yearn to travel, search for unemployment – or inbetween racial, ethnic or gender divides that exist in society.
Nengi Omuku presents amorphous presences with afro-centric hairstyles and abstract internal mindscapes which allude to wider themes of identity, mental journeying and mutual belonging. Omuku’s colour palette acts as a subtext for transforming the human figure and exploring fluid states of inBETWEEN.
Ngozi Omeje, an installation and ceramics artist, also lecturing at the University of Nigeria Nsukka, presents ‘Unbooked’ – a mixed media installation created out of hundreds of nylon threads and plastic particles, inspired by the sea of undocumented migrants across the world. She uses string to explore the frailty of life through the use of suspended forms and configurations which are still connected to universal experiences.
Olumide Onadipe is an experimental artist fascinated by textures and environmental themes. His works are presented in intricate mixed media sculptures created out of ubiquitous plastic bags, exploring the social, political and economic realities of migrating populations, affected by territorial encroachment and insecurity, forced labour, consumerism, and environmental pollution.
inBETWEEN will be on view from September 13 – 16, Booth 8.3 from 11:00 am – 6 pm daily, at Saatchi Gallery, Chelsea, London.
Featured artwork by Nengi Omuku, ‘Sons of Night II’ courtesy SMO Contemporary Art